Black Comedy Di-Dar
《風車草黑心喜劇 Di-Dar》
原定2024年9月5日 (星期四) 晚上8時於香港演藝學院歌劇院舉行之《風車草黑心喜劇 Di-Dar》因8號颱風關係已經取消。主辦單位將於9月9日 (星期一) 晚上8時作出補場,持有原來門票之觀眾,可直接持票出席該日之演出。
從主辦單位及POPTICKET購票的觀眾: | ||
觀看補場 | 經主辦單位及POPTICKET購票的觀眾,可繼續依照訂票時的指示於前台取票。 | |
退款手續 | 如未能觀看補場之觀眾,將獲安排退款: 1. 以線上形式經由撲飛有限公司購買的電子門票退款,你將在活動日期60天內收到退款。約定金額將會經由支付寶香港、八達通、PayMe、 Stripe 及 WeChat Pay HK 被退還至買家的信用卡或電子錢包。每張電子門票退款將被收取HK$10手續費。 2. 從主辦單位內部購票觀眾,工作人員將以個別聯絡方式安排退款。(不包括手續費) | |
從Cityline購票的觀眾: | ||
觀看補場 | 持有原來門票之觀眾,可直接持票出席該日之演出。 | |
退款手續 | 以信用卡或電子付款平台(支付寶 / 支付寶HK / WeChat Pay / PayMe / BoC Pay / UnionPay / Octopus Online購票之觀眾: | 如未能觀看補場之觀眾,將獲安排退款。門票將會作自動退款安排,退款將於45個工作天內退還至閣下用以購票之信用卡或電子付款平台戶口。 退款將約四十五個工作天內自動退回門票金額(不包括顧客服務費及郵遞費)至購票的信用卡/電子付款戶口內。 (*顧客收到退款的時間需視乎個別發卡銀行或電子付款平台處理的進度而定) |
以現金購票之觀眾: | 請於2024 年 9月16日至2024年12月20日,於辦公時間(星期一至五,上午10時至下午1時, 下午2時30分至5時30分,星期六、日及公眾假期休息),前往Cityline總公司(地址:香港九龍觀塘成業街 7 號寧晉中心 23 樓 A-D 室),出示完整的門票正本(必須連票根)辦理退款手續。退款將以現金支票形式退回。 2024年12月21日或之後的現金退款申請概不受理。 |
如有任何查詢, 請致電23899229或電郵至 (聯絡主辦方)。
Black Comedy Di-Dar
Your beautiful rhapsody is most needed to colour the mundane of every day
A soon-closing secondary school in Hong Kong is on the verge of financial collapse. The desperate school principal thus decides to promote Chinese culture and make Chinese music a highlight in a bid to attract ample funding.
With the unsatisfactory response from students, the principal and the discipline head have no other ways but allow students with a major demerit to swap for with a minor demerit, and those with a minor demerit to swap for a warning if they join the Chinese orchestra. Sure enough, many students are attracted to register...
And it doesn’t end there. Rumour has it that the school is haunted, and the school janitors and female students swear they see spirits in the school.
To prevent fear from spreading, the school principal had no choice but to invite a musician-master to hold an exorcism ceremony in the school. During the ceremony, and when the musicians play the dida as loud as a trumpet, it ignites the performing soul deep in everyone's heart...
Playwright:Joey Leung, Melody Yuen
Director:Joey Leung, Edmond Tong
Actors:Joey Leung, Eric Kot, Edmond Tong, Luna Shaw, Grace Wu, Kaki Sham, Sica Ho, Larry To, KaKit Tang, Feuillade Leung
[In Cantonese]
The programme contains coarse language.
The presenter reserves the right to change the programme, artists and seating arrangements should unavoidable circumstances make it necessary.
The presenter reserves the right to refuse admission by any late comers to the event. The presenter also reserves the right to determine the time at which and the manner in which late comers are to be admitted.
Presented by:Windmill Grass Theatre