
King's College Chinese Orchestra 55th Anniversary Concert

Date : 9 July 2024 19:30pm
Venue : Jockey Club Auditorium, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

King’s College Chinese Orchestra

With the aim of promoting Chinese culture and arousing students’ interest in Chinese music, the King’s College Chinese Instrumental Group was established in 1968. The Group provided an opportunity for fellow students to learn Chinese musical instruments. Initially, passionate Chinese music fans in school only gathered occasionally until Mr. KWAN Ping Man and three other alumni formally formed the Group in 1968. Their devotion, enthusiasm and eagerness encouraged more and more students to join and contribute to the development of a better Chinese orchestra in King’s College. Their dedicated efforts and unwavering passion paid off, as the Group gradually evolved into a full-fledged Chinese orchestra. In 1998, the King’s College Chinese Instrumental Group was officially renamed the King’s College Chinese Orchestra (KCCO).

In addition to performing within the school, the KCCO has actively participated in various events. Every year, members of the Orchestra participate enthusiastically in the interschool music competitions, consistently winning medals and receiving positive feedback in various solo, ensemble and orchestral categories. Over the years, the Orchestra has staged public performances jointly with alumni, fostering a sense of unity among Kingsians. The Orchestra received high praise from the public during the 15th and 25th Anniversary Concerts in 1983 and 1993, the King’s College Students’ Concerts in 1998 and 2000, as well as the 35th, 40th, 45th and 50th Anniversary Concerts in 2003, 2008, 2013, and 2018. The King’s College Chinese Orchestra remains committed to promoting Chinese music and will continue to strive for even greater success in the years ahead.

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